When a domain name expires, there is a period of a little over 60 days when it's not active, but could still be renewed by the current owner. During this time period, the domain cannot be taken by anybody else, but in case it isn't renewed, it enters the so-called Pending Deletion period which lasts 5 days. This is when ICANN-accredited registrar companies accept backorders for this type of domain names. If a particular name is backordered, the registrar will make an attempt to register it for the customer immediately after it is deleted and available to the general public, which gives people a chance to obtain a short and easy to remember domain which may have been employed by some other person until now. In the event that the domain is really appealing, a couple of companies could try to register it in the same time and due to the fact that this happens on a first-come, first-serve basis, there is no warranty that a particular person will get that domain. Nevertheless, using a backorder service will give you a lot better chance to obtain a specific domain than when you try to register it yourself.

Domain Backorder in Cloud Hosting

You shall be able to backorder domains from your Hepsia Control Panel as we work with an ICANN-accredited registrar company and we offer this service as a part of all cloud hosting solutions. Because of this, you won't need an individual account and you will be able to control the newly purchased domain as well as the hosting space for it in one place. The service has its own part in the Control Panel where you'll find all domains due to be erased in the next 5 days. For a more precise search, you will be able to use several filters that we have added - minimum and maximum amount of characters, domain extension, exact deletion date, etc. You will also be able to search just for domain names which include dictionary words or specify a phrase of your choosing. Buying a domain name from the list will take you just a click and in case we are unable to register the required name, your money won't be wasted and you shall be able to use it for domain registrations, renewals and / or backorders later on.

Domain Backorder in Dedicated Hosting

Because we are an approved registrar, we've included a backorder section within the billing Control Panel of our dedicated servers, so that you can take advantage of this service fast and easy without opening some other account. When you go to this section, you'll see the complete list of the domain names that will become available in the next 5 days. Thanks to the filters we've added, you can browse domain names which will be erased on a particular date, and choose their extension and length. In addition to that, you can search by a specific phrase or use a dictionary option which will filter all domain names that are just random groups of letters and numbers. It takes only a mouse click to place a backorder for any domain from the list and if we register it successfully, you'll be able to manage it directly from the same Control Panel. If someone else takes the desired domain, the money will be added as credit to your account and won't be wasted.